Sacred Elephant Vraja Leela Luxury Incense Sticks - 2 packs

Sacred Elephant Vraja Leela Luxury Incense Sticks - 2 packs


Natural incense scented with Jasmine and Rose with hints of Lavender and Sandalwood essential oils. Invigorating and bright, it's the most feminine fragrance we have from Sacred Elephant.  We've found it leaves a beautiful, soft fragrance around there home which lasts for hours and hours. 

Sacred Elephant's incense is vegan, free from chemicals and carcinogens and contains no synthetic ingredients.  Fragrances are made only from pure essential oils.  Packaging is recyclable cardboard and is printed with vegetable dyes.  

Each stick is around 20cm long and will burn for approximately 40-45 minutes.  There are 10 sticks per box.

Made in India in a fair trade manner.

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